Transforming Healthcare Across Africa

Partnering with Mission Hospitals to Make a Lasting Impact

African Mission Healthcare strategically partners with mission hospitals across sub-Saharan Africa to treat patients today, train doctors for tomorrow and transform hospitals for the future.

Direct patient visits supported
Surgeries sponsored
Our village health program provides subsidized primary care to individuals in rural Uganda
African health professionals trained
Doctor Tom Helping Nurses.

Treating Patients Today

Millions of people in sub-Saharan Africa lack access to quality medical care. We offer hope and healing through compassionate, expert care - from surgery to obstetrics, HIV to tuberculosis.

Training Doctors For Tomorrow

One of the greatest barriers to health across Africa is a lack of trained workers. We equip the next generation of African healthcare professionals, expanding access to high-quality care.

Transforming Hospitals for the Future

We provide mission hospitals with the equipment, management training, and infrastructure to sustain their mission long-term and serve more people.

Millions of people across sub-Saharan Africa need quality healthcare but cannot get it.

There are simply not enough trained health workers and quality infrastructure to meet the need. Africa has 24% of the planet’s disease burden but only 3% of the health workers. Only 5% of Africans have access to safe surgery, and Africa needs up to 50 times the current number of surgical workers. From oceans away, seeing the scale of the need, it can be hard to know how to help. 

African Mission Healthcare’s team has decades of experience in this challenging setting. We have a deep knowledge of medical care on the continent. Partnering with AMH means you are directly supporting mission hospitals that are already on the ground doing this work. Your partnership helps us treat the sick, train young African professionals, and transform healthcare across the continent. Your generosity will create a legacy and an impact for generations to come.

2 people carrying water

Investing Long-Term in Local Communities

Mission hospitals are already well-established in the communities we serve, having been on the ground doing this lifesaving work for decades. They understand the unique opportunities and challenges of serving their people. Rather than approaching this work as outsiders, we come alongside existing hospitals to maximize their impact and truly transform these communities over the long-term.


Taking Pride in Saving Life

When Esnat, a 21-year-old expectant mother in rural Malawi, went into labor, her only option was to climb aboard a motorbike to African Mission Healthcare partner Nkhoma Mission Hospital. 

Having lost her two previous babies shortly after birth, Esnat was scared when the nurses told her that dangerously low oxygen levels were causing her unborn baby’s heart to race and that the child was in distress. 

Fortunately, because of the generosity of donors like you, African Mission Healthcare had installed an oxygen plant at Nkhoma Hospital and upgraded the electrical system to handle the new equipment.  This effort allowed Esnat’s baby to have all the oxygen she needed; it saved her life. Filled with an exuberant joy, Esnat named her daughter “Pride.”

In addition to ensuring that every Nkhoma patient has access to life-saving oxygen, the oxygen plant has distributed free cylinders to hospitals across central Malawi.

Two young siblings hugging.

Give now to bring life-saving healthcare to Africans in greatest need