
South Sudan

In 2011, following decades of conflict with the government of Khartoum in northern Sudan, South Sudan became the world’s youngest country. Unfortunately, in 2013, conflict broke out between the new nation’s largest ethnic groups. An already underdeveloped region plunged into civil war.


Supporting the mission health sector in South Sudan

Because of the war, mission hospitals are often the only functional health institutions in their regions. African Mission Healthcare has worked with South Sudanese partners since 2011, including In Deed and Truth, Nzara, Doro, Mapuordit, and others. African Mission Healthcare has built infrastructure, trained staff, and supported clinical care.

A smiling woman sitting outside
Patient visits supported
Health scholarships awarded
South Sudanese partners
A smiling healthcare worker sitting outside with a group of Sudanese kids

Treating Patients Today

How African Mission Healthcare is helping treat patients in South Sudan:

  • Procured and shipped medical supplies for primary care, maternal health, cataract surgery, and infectious disease treatment. 
  • Launched maternal health programs in Western Equatoria and Warrap. 
  • Supported infectious disease treatment in Jongeli State. 
  • Provided refugee care in Upper Nile. 
  • Subsidized the district referral hospital near Rumbek.

Training Health Workers for Tomorrow

How African Mission Healthcare is helping train health workers in South Sudan:

  • Sponsored 26 nurse anesthetists to train at Kijabe Hospital in Kenya (before our involvement, South Sudan had only four trained anesthetists).
  • Provided scholarships for South Sudanese to become nurses, midwives, physician assistants, doctors, radiology and lab technicians, pharmacists, and healthcare administrators. 
  • Supported the education of physican’s assistants at the Jonglie Health Sciences Training Institute.

Transforming Hospitals for the Future

How African Mission Healthcare is helping transform the mission health sector in South Sudan:

  • Built a new maternal child health clinic, housing, and solar energy system in partnership with In Deed and Truth Ministries.
  • Constructed the surgical building and provided the equipment at Mapuordit Hospital, Rumbek.
  • Built the children’s nutrition village and staff housing at Doro Clinic, Upper Nile. 

Every community is unique.

We know each community we serve has its own culture and context, and the people there have unique needs. Therefore, we come alongside established institutions already immersed in local communities, rolling up our sleeves to help transform medical care for the long-term.

Hover on the map or click below to learn more about some of the communities we serve: