Our Programs

Increasing Surgical Capacity

Though millions of Africans need operations like C-sections and orthopedic surgery now, 95% of them lack access to a safe operation. Surgery requires strong health systems, and in too many places, those systems are broken. Africa requires up to 50 times its current surgical workforce. Surgical equipment and even basic services like oxygen and power are absent. And if surgical services are available, many poor patients still cannot access care.

Doctors performing a surgery
Africans living with untreatable surgical conditions
Africans with access to safe surgery
Mortality rate from untreated surgical conditions
African children for every pediatric surgeon

Training More Skilled Surgeons and Surgical Workers

A critical part of expanding surgical care in African countries is addressing the staggering need for more healthcare professionals, specifically those trained in surgical care. African Mission Healthcare sponsors trainees in general, pediatric, and heart surgery as well as anesthesia and support functions like surgical scrub technicians.

Doctors preparing for a surgery

Expanding Surgical Infrastructure

African Mission Healthcare builds, renovates, and equips operating rooms and surgical centers. We provide the essential services required to provide safe surgery, including back-up power, water, and oxygen. 

Following the awarding of the 2017 L'Chaim Prize, African Mission Healthcare played a critical role in the construction of the Tenwek Cardiothoracic Center at Tenwek Hospital, Kenya, including housing for staff and upgrading water and power. The CTC is one of the most advanced surgical centers on the continent. African Mission Healthcare is also supporting a new surgical center in Malawi and a maternity hospital in Uganda.

Sponsoring Life-Changing Surgeries

African Mission Healthcare's Surgical Access for Everyone (SAFE) program helps the poor access care and ensures adequate case volumes for trainees. We monitor quality and track individual patients through the cycle of care.

A smiling healthcare worker playing with a toddler lying down
Number of surgeries and corrective procedures funded by African Mission Healthcare
Number of emergency C-sections sponsored in Uganda
Career surgeries performed by African Mission Healthcare-sponsored surgical trainees
Career C-sections safely supervised by African Mission Healthcare-sponsored anesthetists

More Ways To Help

Mission Hospital Teaching Network

Africa faces a dire shortage of trained healthcare professionals, particularly in more advanced fields like surgery. African Mission Healthcare’s Mission Hospital Teaching Network is a group of like-minded mission hospitals committed to significantly expanding training capacity.

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Combating HIV and Other Diseases

HIV remains a leading cause of death in Africa, right alongside a twin epidemic of tuberculosis. Your support helps train health workers and improve care.

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SAFE Program

Through the Surgical Access for Everyone (SAFE) initiative you can sponsor a patient’s surgery, including C-sections. You can save a life today.

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O2 Africa

Only 20% of Africa's hospitals and clinics can provide oxygen. Through O2 Africa, we are installing oxygen plants and distributing oxygen cylinders.

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L’Chaim Initiative

The L’Chaim Prize recognizes an outstanding Christian missionary serving in Africa and awards $500,000 for transformational medical projects.

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Improving Maternal and Child Health

Far too many African women and children die as a result of preventable causes, especially those related to pregnancy or childbirth. Your support can help change that.

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Two young siblings hugging.

Give Now to Sponsor a Life-Changing Surgery