
Kibuye, Burundi

African Mission Healthcare partners with Kibuye Hope Hospital in Burundi, a landlocked country in the heart of central Africa known for its stunning landscapes, rich cultural heritage, and tumultuous history. Since its heartbreaking genocide in the early 1990s, Burundi has consistently been listed as the poorest country in the world, with 65% of its population living on less than $2 per day. 

A doctor giving a young boy medicine through an IV

Kibuye Hope Hospital

Kibuye Hope Hospital (KHH) is in a rural area of central Burundi. In 2013, this hospital could barely keep its doors open when a team of U.S. missionary doctors and their families felt a call to serve this community. The infusion of dedicated and highly qualified physicians has transformed Kibuye into a center of excellence for medical, surgical, and obstetrical care and a site for training hundreds of Burundian physicians, medical students, and other learners. African Mission Healthcare first engaged with Kibuye Hope Hospital in 2016 when the inaugural Gerson L’Chaim Prize for Outstanding Christian Medical Missionary Service was awarded to Dr. Jason Fader, a surgeon. Kibuye has also received a 10-year signature grant from African Mission Healthcare’s Mission Hospital Teaching Network.

Kibuye Hope Hospital
Poorest country in the world
Increase in x-ray & surgical cases from solar power funding
Patient visits made possible by trainees
General surgical resident trained
Family medicine resident sponsored
Nurse interns trained
Intern doctors trained
3 doctors performing a surgery

Treating Patients Today

How African Mission Healthcare is helping treat patients in Burundi:

  • Renovated and equipped the hospital laboratory.
  • Provided orthopedic surgery supplies.

Training Health Workers for Tomorrow

How African Mission Healthcare is helping train health workers in Burundi:

  • Sponsored an internship for dozens of Burundian doctors graduating from medical school through The L’Chaim Prize and Mission Hospital Teaching Network.
  • Supported a Burundian hospital leader with a scholarship to complete his Masters in Healthcare Administration (MHA).
  • Helped launch a PAACS surgical training program.
  • Enabled a collaboration between Kibuye and the Burundian Ministry of Health that will lead to the country’s first family physician training program. 
  • Provided Burundian doctors and future Kibuye faculty with scholarships to study obstetrics/gynecology, anesthesia, and neonatology. 
  • Constructed housing for faculty and residents in this rural, impoverished region. 
  • Constructed a student center for trainees.
Group of 4 doctors having a class
Kikuyu solar birds eye

Transforming Hospitals for the Future

How African Mission Healthcare is helping transform Kibuye Hope Hospital:

  • Constructed a modern surgical ward.
  • Built a solar power plant that takes Kibuye Hospital completely off the national grid, contributing to long-term financial sustainability and green energy goals. 
  • Strengthened financial and human resource systems. 
  • Remodeled the administration block. 
  • Expanded housing stock for staff and trainees.

Every community is unique.

We know each community we serve has its own culture and context, and the people there have unique needs. Therefore, we come alongside established institutions already immersed in local communities, rolling up our sleeves to help transform medical care for the long-term.

Hover on the map or click below to learn more about some of the communities we serve: