
Kijabe, Kenya

African Mission Healthcare’s African headquarters are located in the capital city of Nairobi, Kenya. A mature educational system provides fertile ground to recruit African Mission Healthcare’s team of qualified and dedicated African staff. Kenya’s medical institutions and universities also allow African Mission Healthcare to train health workers from our partners across the continent. Yet, despite this development, Kenya still struggles to provide quality healthcare to the poor, especially those in vast rural areas.   

Dr. Chege Macharia

Kijabe Hospital

Africa Inland Church Kijabe Hospital is one of African Mission Healthcare’s largest hospital partners and is where African Mission Healthcare Chief Executive Dr. Jon Fielder began his service in Africa in 2002. Located 40 miles from Nairobi, Kijabe has become a major regional teaching and referral center. It hosts training programs in basic and advanced nursing, surgical specialties, anesthesia, family medicine, pediatrics, HIV care, and more. As a mentor partner in the Mission Hospital Teaching Network, Kijabe trains physicians from all over the continent and sends them back to their communities to serve the poor and train the next generation of African healthcare leaders.  

A doctor uses a stethoscope to listen to the breathing of a man wearing an oxygen mask
Life-changing surgeries sponsored at Kijabe
African trainees sponsored
Kijabe satellite clinics built

Treating Patients Today

How African Mission Healthcare is helping treat patients in Kenya:

  • African Mission Healthcare’s Surgical Access for Everyone (SAFE) initiative sponsors surgical operations so that the poor can receive care and trainees have access to a diverse caseload. 
  • Equipping neonatal, pediatric and adult intensive care units. 
  • Providing specialty endoscopy equipment for gastrointestinal conditions.

Training Health Workers for Tomorrow

How African Mission Healthcare is helping train health workers in Kenya:

  • Constructed three-story medical education, clinical, and administrative building. 
  • Expanded classrooms at the Kijabe College of Health Sciences. 
  • Provided scholarships to trainees studying pediatric surgery, adult and pediatric anesthesiology, critical care, primary care and HIV and tuberculosis treatment. 
  • Improved obstetrical care across Kenya, Uganda and Malawi through collaboration with Kijabe’s expert simulation team.
  • Sponsored faculty development and continuing medical education program.
  • Developed an online learning management system for sharing Kijabe’s educational content.
Doctor Erik teaching a group of 3 doctors
The Kijabe Hospital Energy Center opening ceremony

Transforming Hospitals for the Future

How African Mission Healthcare is helping transform AIC Kijabe Hospital:

  • Installed a new oxygen plant to double the hospital’s oxygen capacity.
  • Developed two Kijabe satellite clinics to bring HIV and other care closer to communities.

Every community is unique.

We know each community we serve has its own culture and context, and the people there have unique needs. Therefore, we come alongside established institutions already immersed in local communities, rolling up our sleeves to help transform medical care for the long-term.

Hover on the map or click below to learn more about some of the communities we serve: