
Soddo, Ethiopia

African Mission Healthcare partners with Soddo Christian Hospital in Soddo, Ethiopia. The country’s ancient civilization and history of independence from Western colonization are sources of pride for Ethiopians. Yet, like many countries, Ethiopia has struggled with ethnic conflicts and political instability. The disparities between urban and rural populations leave many of its poorest populations without access to quality healthcare.

Biyana Tigabu

Soddo Christian Hospital

Soddo Christian Hospital opened its doors in 2005. Since then, it has grown to a 171-bed facility offering a broad spectrum of medical and surgical services. In 2006, Soddo became a site for training general surgeons (under the Pan-African Academy of Christian Surgeons) and later expanded to include orthopedic surgeons. 

African Mission Healthcare has partnered with Soddo Hospital since 2011. In 2022, Soddo joined the Mission Hospital Teaching Network. A chief goal of Soddo’s leadership is to establish a family physician residency program alongside other educational initiatives targeting shortages in anesthesia, radiology, and nursing. 

Ketoras third casting procedure
Surgeries performed by residents
Pediatric surgical residents in training
Anesthesia resident in training
A close up of two surgeons operating

Treating Patients Today

How African Mission Healthcare is helping treat patients in Ethiopia:

  • Equipped Soddo pathology laboratory to improve diagnosis.
  • Provided surgical equipment.

Training Health Workers for Tomorrow

How African Mission Healthcare is helping train health workers in Ethiopia:

  • Provided scholarships for a Soddo anesthesiologist and pediatric surgeon at Mission Hospital Teaching Network mentor partner Kijabe Hospital.
  • Financed housing for physician trainee.
  • Supported planned family doctor training program.
  • Provided pathology training.
  • Provided an Ethiopian hospital leader with a scholarship to obtain a Masters in Healthcare Administration.
Training Health Worker posing

Transforming Hospitals for the Future

How African Mission Healthcare is helping transform Soddo Christian Hospital:

  • Expanded obstetrical and neonatal wards.

Every community is unique.

We know each community we serve has its own culture and context, and the people there have unique needs. Therefore, we come alongside established institutions already immersed in local communities, rolling up our sleeves to help transform medical care for the long-term.

Hover on the map or click below to learn more about some of the communities we serve: