Dr. Russ White

African Mission Healthcare Gerson L’Chaim Prize Laureate – 2017

Tenwek Hospital, Kenya

When Russ White was training as a cardiothoracic surgeon, he never thought that he would use the “cardio” (heart) part in Kenya. Dr. White mostly did general surgery, and then he started using the “thoracic” part of his training to tackle the high rates of esophageal cancer in the region. Along the way he began training African surgeons as under the umbrella of the Pan-African Academy of Christian Surgeons (PAACS).

Over time, the heavy burden of untreated—but curable—heart disease weighed on Russ. So many children had fixable congenital anomalies or heart valve disorders. But there was no way to help them. Slowly, with the help of visiting teams, Dr. White formed a vision for a heart surgery hospital and training programs. That is when he applied for—and won—the Gerson L’Chaim Prize for Outstanding Christian Medical Missionary Service.

Treating Patients Today

The Prize sponsored heart ultrasound training and equipment so that Tenwek staff could accurately and quickly diagnose cardiac ailments.

Training Doctors for Tomorrow

The Prize helped start a cardiothoracic (heart-chest) surgery training program for African doctors—the first of its kind in Kenya. Traditionally, Africa has been dependent on visiting teams to perform any heart surgeries. These highly-trained African surgeons will make care available year-round.

With L’Chaim money and other gifts catalyzed by the Prize, African Mission Healthcare built two large apartment buildings where the heart hospital trainees and faculty will live.

Transforming Hospitals for the Future

With support from Samaritan’s Purse, African Mission Healthcare was able to upgrade the hospital’s utilities in preparation for the new hospital.

Samaritan’s Purse and Tenwek went on to build the only state-of-the-art heart hospital between Egypt and South Africa. This facility will train African professionals and draw patients from all over the continent.

The L’Chaim Prize has been a catalyst for innovative projects and continued investment at multiple hospitals throughout Africa.