Mission Hospital Teaching Network

Africa faces a dire shortage of trained healthcare professionals, particularly in more advanced fields like surgery. African Mission Healthcare’s Mission Hospital Teaching Network is a group of like-minded mission hospitals committed to significantly expanding training capacity. We provide medical and programmatic expertise as well as financial and management support to enhance institutional sustainability and expand medical education.

The Mission Hospital Teaching Network is a part of the L’Chaim (To Life) Initiative founded by our Chairman Mark Gerson and his wife Rabbi Erica Gerson. It is a critical component of our strategy to train doctors for tomorrow and transform African hospitals for the future. Other partners have now joined in supporting this innovative approach to addressing Africa’s health workforce deficit.

Training institutions
African countries
African health professionals trained

Strengthening African Teaching Hospitals

Africa needs doctors, general surgeons, surgical specialists, anesthesiologists, family physicians, HIV care providers, and a host of other professionals. Training these workers requires functional hospitals and supportive learning environments.

Training takes time. African Mission Healthcare has committed 10-year grants to three hospitals in some of the most underserved areas of the world -- Burundi, Gabon, and Malawi – so they can expand their medical education programs. All members of the Mission Hospital Teaching Network receive multi-year support. Networking activities include exchange visits, medical conferences, and an online learning platform.

Since 2020, our Mission Hospital Teaching Network has invested more than $4 million to strengthen 12 teaching hospitals across eight African countries. Leveraging this support, we have helped launch two new surgical training programs and three family medicine residencies.

Three doctors work on paperwork
Equipping Mission Hospitals to Train More Workers

Equipping Mission Hospitals to Train More Workers

As trusted members of their communities with established training centers and existing infrastructure, mission hospitals are uniquely positioned to address the staggering need for well-trained healthcare workers across Africa. They just need the support to grow.

Mission Hospital Teaching Network investments include:

  • Residency programs in surgery, family medicine and anesthesiology
  • Specialty training for HIV care, anesthesia, and critical care
  • Critical services like power and water
  • Essential infrastructure, including clinical space and medical education buildings
  • Medical supplies and equipment
  • Housing for faculty and trainees

More Ways To Help

Combating HIV and Other Diseases

HIV remains a leading cause of death in Africa, right alongside a twin epidemic of tuberculosis. Your support helps train health workers and improve care.

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Increasing Surgical Capacity to Care For More Patients

Across Africa, just 5% of necessary surgeries are performed due to limited capacity. We are helping to change that reality.

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SAFE Program

Through the Surgical Access for Everyone (SAFE) initiative you can sponsor a patient’s surgery, including C-sections. You can save a life today.

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O2 Africa

Only 20% of Africa's hospitals and clinics can provide oxygen. Through O2 Africa, we are installing oxygen plants and distributing oxygen cylinders.

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L’Chaim Initiative

The L’Chaim Prize recognizes an outstanding Christian missionary serving in Africa and awards $500,000 for transformational medical projects.

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Improving Maternal and Child Health

Far too many African women and children die as a result of preventable causes, especially those related to pregnancy or childbirth. Your support can help change that.

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Two young siblings hugging.

Give Today to Help Train More Healthcare Workers