O2 Africa

In response to the Covid-19 pandemic, African Mission Healthcare launched the O2 Africa campaign to bring life-saving oxygen to people in greatest need. 

A young girl laughing

Only 1 in 5 African health facilities can provide oxygen.

Oxygen is critical for treating pneumonia, helping pregnant women in distress, and performing surgery - yet it is one of the least available "essential" medicines. African Mission Healthcare is changing that reality.

A young African girl receiving oxygen
A tour group looking at a set of large oxygen tanks used by 02 Africa

Providing oxygen at hospitals across Africa

African Mission Healthcare has already helped bring life-saving oxygen to five hospitals across Africa. At Kijabe Hospital in Kenya, a major teaching and referral facility, African Mission Healthcare doubled the amount of oxygen available. We also installed the first-ever oxygen plant at Bongolo Hospital, an important surgical training center for French-speaking Africa. Before the new plant, oxygen cylinders had to come from 10 hours away. 

In Malawi, African Mission Healthcare installed an oxygen plant at Partners in Hope, one of the leading HIV clinics in a country where oxygen cylinders are extremely expensive.

Distributing Oxygen to Entire Regions

African Mission Healthcare’s O2 Africa campaign is not only supplying oxygen to hospitals but also to regional partners. Oxygen produced at Maua Hospital in Kenya and Nkhoma Hospital in Malawi are being distributed to regional partners:

  • 37 health facilities in Kenya and Malawi have received oxygen
  • 4,700 large oxygen cylinders have been distributed
  • Enough oxygen has been distributed to treat 6,400 cases of pediatric pneumonia 
A small wall-mounted oxygen tank

Angela in Malawi was experiencing a sickle cell crisis. She needed oxygen - desperately.

Like many children in areas burdened by malaria, Angela suffers from a blood disorder called sickle cell anemia. Sometimes, the blood cells deform, causing terrible bone pain. The blood oxygen levels can drop to dangerous levels. Oxygen is a critical component of treatment. Thanks to the oxygen plant and piping installed by African Mission Healthcare at Nkhoma Hospital in Malawi, Angela received oxygen right at the bedside and made a full recovery.


More Ways To Help

Improving Maternal and Child Health

Far too many African women and children die as a result of preventable causes, especially those related to pregnancy or childbirth. Your support can help change that.

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L’Chaim Initiative

The L’Chaim Prize recognizes an outstanding Christian missionary serving in Africa and awards $500,000 for transformational medical projects.

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O2 Africa

Only 20% of Africa’s hospitals and clinics can provide oxygen. Through O2 Africa, we are installing oxygen plants and distributing oxygen cylinders.

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SAFE Program

Through the Surgical Access for Everyone (SAFE) initiative you can sponsor a patient’s surgery, including C-sections. You can save a life today.

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Increasing Surgical Capacity to Care For More Patients

Across Africa, just 5% of necessary surgeries are performed due to limited capacity. We are helping to change that reality.

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Combating HIV and Other Diseases

HIV remains a leading cause of death in Africa, right alongside a twin epidemic of tuberculosis. Your support helps train health workers and improve care.

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Two young siblings hugging.

Give now to bring life-saving healthcare to Africans in greatest need