Our Programs

Improving Maternal and Child Health

Every day, hundreds of African women and young children die from preventable causes. We equip health workers and hospitals with the tools they need to save lives and improve maternal and child health.

A mother holding her infant child.
Rural Ugandan women can’t access a C-section
Lifetime risk of African women dying in childbirth
Ugandan women suffer from uncorrected birth injuries

We invest in the lives of African women and children

Access to quality newborn and maternal care is very limited across sub-Saharan Africa. African Mission Healthcare is expanding care.

  • In Tanzania, we support a model neonatal intensive care unit that treats 250 children for the equivalent cost of treating just one child in the United States.
  • In South Sudan, we built a busy maternal-child health clinic with partner In Deed and Truth and reduced maternal mortality in western South Sudan with partner Catholic Medical Mission Board.
  • In Sudan, we helped start a training school for midwives.
  • In multiple countries, we have used simulation mannequins to build emergency obstetrical skills.

By expanding access to well-trained staff, quality surgical care, and developed healthcare systems, countless lives can be saved.

a doctor performing ultrasound on patient.
Image of a doctor drawing patients blood.

Ngonzi Nsa (Only Love) Initiative

We are expanding life changing care for mothers and newborns in Uganda. Our flagship maternal-child health program is a thriving network of four hospitals in rural Uganda dedicated to reducing maternal mortality. Through this program, we sponsor C-sections, repair birth injuries, train nurses and OB-GYN residents and upgrade equipment. 

Emergency C-Sections Sponsored in Uganda
Pediatric Surgeries Sponsored Across Africa
Malawian Children Treated for Malaria

More Ways To Help

Mission Hospital Teaching Network

Africa faces a dire shortage of trained healthcare professionals, particularly in more advanced fields like surgery. African Mission Healthcare’s Mission Hospital Teaching Network is a group of like-minded mission hospitals committed to significantly expanding training capacity.

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Combating HIV and Other Diseases

HIV remains a leading cause of death in Africa, right alongside a twin epidemic of tuberculosis. Your support helps train health workers and improve care.

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Increasing Surgical Capacity to Care For More Patients

Across Africa, just 5% of necessary surgeries are performed due to limited capacity. We are helping to change that reality.

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SAFE Program

Through the Surgical Access for Everyone (SAFE) initiative you can sponsor a patient’s surgery, including C-sections. You can save a life today.

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O2 Africa

Only 20% of Africa's hospitals and clinics can provide oxygen. Through O2 Africa, we are installing oxygen plants and distributing oxygen cylinders.

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L’Chaim Initiative

The L’Chaim Prize recognizes an outstanding Christian missionary serving in Africa and awards $500,000 for transformational medical projects.

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Two young siblings hugging.

Give Today to Improve Maternal and Child Health